Monday, December 03, 2007

A lingering thought:

There are so many people on my MSN, my email address book, even my Facebook account, that I haven't talked to in a long time. And I want to talk to them, to catch up with their lives, to laugh over shared memories, to do what friends do. Yet I keep telling myself that I don't have the time, that I'll do it some other day, that the right moment will come.

And time passes.

Perhaps it'll take a climatic event to shock me out of this self-imposed apathy, where the only things that matter are in the here and now, the everyday things that loom at the forefront of my consciousness. Where the subconscious is suppressed and filed away in the self-deluding cabinet labelled "someday". Where I can't even bring myself to say a simple "hello" to a long-ago friend on MSN, because of self-consciousness or a lack of time or a host of other half-baked semi-excuses.

And time passes.

Or perhaps I could start rectifying this state of affairs today. Perhaps.

And time passes.
