Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Results, etc.

2006/2007 Sem 1 Examination for LAW YR II

Module Code Module Title Grade
LC2001 Comparative Legal Traditions B
LC2002 Introduction To Trial Advocacy S
LC2004 Principles Of Property Law B-
LC2008 Company Law B

Not great, but I have nothing to hide, because there are greater issues in life. Not many people read this blog anyways, and for y'all who do - you're welcome to the knowledge.

Drowning in work now. And AnnTIC at Port Dickson was very good; learnt a lot. Extremely educational.

I don't have much else to say.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A quick one:

1. Exams are over. Don't really feel like talking about them.
2. Working like mad now on Internship.
3. I leave for Port Dickson in a few hours. Be back on the 16th.

Take care, y'all!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Burnt out.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not putting in my 100%. My nights are unproductive - school is really the only place I can study. I'm not focusing. I'm lapsing into idle reading, picking up concepts here and there, when I should really be following a coherent plan.

But, whatever. Just 4 more days.

For now, here's an old favourite.