Monday, June 26, 2006

Just a quick note:

I'm off to law camp.

A real update when I get back, I promise.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Amazingly tired.

The title actually sums it up. And it explains my lack of updates; I just don't have the time nor energy to sit down and really write a thoughtful post.

I've just spent hours and hours everyday building props. It's fun! But it's also extremely tiring. And this is where I would put an appeal for people to come and help, but as far as I know most people who actually read my blog are there already, so it sort of defeats the purpose. Ah wells.

Take care and have fun, y'all.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

If you are a Star Wars fan:

Go watch this.

Busy, tired, but productive.

Let's see, what's been going on?

1. The accident which I mentioned will cost me $500. Saying goodbye to my ang pao money. For those who don't know: I changed lanes without checking, and smashed in my left headlight. And dented the car body. Still, a lesson well learnt, and I'm thankful that nobody was injured, and that the other vehicle (a lorry) wasn't damaged.

2. On his birthday, Trissypoo got wet. Very wet. Waterlogged. And cakey. Still, not as cakey as the Little Tyrant, who got cake in her ear.

3. Today has been a very good day building props. Am extremely thankful for the excellent help that everyone has provided. Tomorrow, we continue.

4. I've been working at night at Mediacorp for the past 2 days. 3 or 4 hours' work, $60. It's decent pay, and I need the money badly, thanks to the buang, so I guess I'll be milking this job for as much as I can get.

5. I am horribly tired.

6. And finally, and most importantly: God is good. He's been talking to me. A lot. And I'm trying to learn how to listen better.

And, on a sidenote: hello, alligator =)