A real entry, the first in a long time.Law Camp worked out well. Oh, there were highs and lows, and the lows weren't pretty, but we managed. Night Court could have been better, but it was good enough to convince most people. Scavenger Hunt worked out well; despite some delays and bottlenecks, almost all the OGs managed to do our station (with a rather good forfeit, I must say!)Then for Jungle Trek...I was not mean! But I did have quite a lot of fun with some freshies...you know who you are! The Backstreet Boys, Six Cocks, Bananas, and of course my OG 3 freshies. Not to forget assorted people like my brother-look-alike and the famous Khoteh! Water tele was alright - got dunked, but hey, totally expected. Then it was saikang, saikang, saikang, all the way until Universal Studios.The finale was...below expectations. And I felt really bad about it, because it was my baby afterall. My baby that I'd spent the better part of a month working on, 5 days a week (and 6 days on some weeks), 9 hours a day. But regrets aren't worth a damn; and I've moved on. Valuable lessons assimilated, mistakes learnt from.And ultimately - it's not just about the final result. It's also about the process. And so I'd like to thank everyone who worked alongside me throughout the whole building process. Every single one of you, who sacrificed your time and energy and made your way to school just to help me tie poles together and bolt rivets together and tie cardboard to structures and plaster newspaper and paint. I'm thankful, not just for all the help, but also that relationships have been built and strengthed throughout the process.And it's not just the building process; it's also about the working relationships during law camp itself. All the closer bonds that have been forged. You know, it's funny how there are so many familiar faces and names in law school, but we just don't talk because we haven't been introduced, or because we just happen to hang out in different circles. Thanks to law camp...so many more people are no longer just familiar faces or names. They are people I can relate to, people I can talk to, people I can share my life with, in my own small way. And for this...I'm glad.So, a big shoutout to everyone who has mattered to me, during this whole process. To my lovely OG3 freshies - you guys were the best OG one could have. Caring, fun-loving, open-minded, enthusiastic... as Pet puts it, merci indeed. To my OGL, Audrey, thanks for always running things well. To my fellow counsellors, Thong, Darryl Soh, Charms, Dolly, thanks for being great people to work with. To the fantastic log comm, who made everything possible - Zhichao, Eugene, Yax, Longjin - it's been a real pleasure working with you guys. You guys deserve real respect, for being so willing to slog through all the dirty work, just so that everything could proceed. Props.To Hanting, for being the best boss one could ask for, always trying to solve problems and always understanding. To Lynn, for being the picture of calm and organisation. To Teck Wee, for pulling it all together. To Khai, for all the help and support during both props-building and the camp itself, for being so willing to go the extra mile, for the willingness to help with all the saikang, and for all the stupid jokes! To Nadia, for good advice and such a high level of commitment during the whole process. To Ping Ying, for being our art director, and being the mastermind behind so much of our artwork and backdrop.To everyone I've worked with during the whole process - Joel Lim, Shuwen, Kalyn, Daryl You, Jean (who isn't even in law camp comm! And yet she came down to build props so many days!), Daniel Leong, Kelvin Kek (and his car, yay!), Shangren, Siew Mun, Agatha (the cameltoe girl), Dolly, and Carrie. Thank you all.Aloy - thanks for being a brother. For sacrificing your cigarette for filming! For doing the very best you could, throughout the whole camp.Kyle, I'm glad I got to know you better during the whole process. It's funny, how you were almost like a stranger to me just a few weeks ago, and now...you're a brother. Here's to brotherhood.Albert, thanks for coming down to build props, despite your dislike for the activity. To make such sacrifices for a brother...I'm awed and humbled. Respect.Huiying, too, you came down so many days, and got so tired out, all for the props. I'm just very thankful that you cared enough to come down, to work so hard. You're a friend indeed.Tris, my other OGL, thanks for being a brother. For the enormously funny sleep-talking! For all the help and support. Throughout the camp, I just did what I felt was right; and if it helped you, I'm glad. And I'm glad we made it through.Enormous thanks too, Pet. Thanks for being there, for always helping out, for all the fun. For all the lame jokes. For all the conversations. It matters to me.But for me at least, the biggest thanks go out to Winston the Man. Bro, thanks for being there all the way. For working with me from the very beginning, when we were just starting to figure things out. For guiding me around the store. For always being the picture of good humour and dedicated workmanship. For sacrificing your toenail, then hobbling around the entire camp with a missing toenail! For being...a brother. I now know that you're someone I can truly count on, and I'm glad to have that knowledge.And now, photos! All from formal dinner and dbl O after that!


A very smoky shot of assorted seniors in dbl O.


and friends.

The one and only Mr. Man!

Chao the log head, the man who made it all possible. Recognise!


Me and the lovely lady.