Friday, March 03, 2006

Follicle follies.

I happened to be going through old photos. Alright, not that old - most of them were taken less than a year ago. But I realised what a difference hairstyle makes to the overall look.

And you know what? I seriously prefer my current hair.

Nevermind all the assorted weird comments (to date, I've had mushroom, muppet, ah beng, beatles, ringo, retro, samurai, japanese, and a whole lot of other nonikers I cannot remember.) All my older photos, with my shorter hair...I look too young. Like, really kiddy. And I look at more recent photos and I figure, the look's better now. Maybe it's slightly too long, but it's heaps better than the times when the hair that was too short. And, most importantly...I like it.

Incidentally, while my leg did not swell up like an elephant, the bitemark is itching like crap now.


Went for the first cell group for the 40 days of purpose campaign I'm going through. It was extremely good - very thought-provoking, with lots of challenging questions asked and lots of introspection. Looking forward to future sessions. For those of you who have no idea what this is about and want to find out more, ask me - but in a nutshell, it's essentially a 40-day program that focuses on helping us to find our true purpose and meaning in life. Basically, the hard questions that we'll have to ask ourselves eventually (if we haven't been asking already).

Highly recommended.


Also, photos from the night of the Sheares Hall Production:

Tris still looks like a perv; this will serve as the obligatory defamatory shot.

I don't know, Rui looks positively demonic...

Token shot of the ladies.


Blogger Tris Xavier said...

I cannot remember Pet's arm being on my shoulder but 2 pictures seem to suggest otherwise. Hurm.

And unlike other pics, I actually look decent in this one, so bleah to you! :p

10:18 PM  
Blogger blurred said...

to XP: choi!! you make it sound as though i was trying to take advantage of you lorrr! u should be honored. haha.

3:55 AM  

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