Friday, February 17, 2006


It's been a fairly weird 24 hours. In this short span of time, I've encountered a face from the past, gone for an indie rock concert, and put myself under house arrest.

The funny thing is, I thought I'd settled that bit of my past. Then when that face appeared, my instinctive reaction was just...avoidance. You know the drill - look away, pretend like you didn't see anything, focus really intensely on the conversation at the table to the exclusion of your surroundings, etc. And that's weird. I thought I'd come to terms with it, that I was cool with it, when it turns out that maybe I'm still not ready.

The Franz Ferdinard gig turned out to be a pretty rockin' affair, which surprised me, considering I didn't know anything about their music before I stepped into the Indoor Stadium. Very high-energy, totally fun, and friggin tight drumming. Seriously. I've never really had the desire to pick up musical skills (the air guitar's an exception, but that's another story), but at that gig, I realised how friggin cool it's be if I could play the drums. Although it's probably a bad idea, given my hearing loss and my lack of co-ordination. But a guy can dream, hey?

Now I'm blogging from the confines of the study. Of course, the whole idea of confining myself in this room was so that I could work on the memorial with no uhm...let's just pretend that I'm really working hard on the memorial, and that this blog post appeared of its own volition in response to my subconcious desire to express my thoughts. Yeah. The memorial's exerting an insidious influence on my typing, though - I now have the urge to double-space after every sentence. That. Sucks.

Anyway, back to work. I'll see y'all on the other side.


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