The day turned out pretty decent, despite the bad start. Got away with not doing readings, had a good time hanging out with people, learnt some stuff here and there. Also, it turns out that the scratches I thought I'd caused last night were old scratches afterall - which means that I'm still (arguably) accident-free, and won't have to shell out for the paint job. And with all the upcoming expenses...I'm thankful for that.
Anyways, photos from the mahjong night.
Our lovely hostess.
Know your mushrooms.
Quizzical K.
The aunty, the young kid sticking out his tongue, and the (insert defamatory comment) dude., I don't know what's that on Bert's face. And I don't wanna know.
Mag, Pet and Rui, in the Japanese attic. Pet's in glasses!! Should have bought 4D to commemorate this rare event. Or called the media. Or something.
Anyways, photos from the mahjong night.

Hee your blog having more photos! Keep it up! :)
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