Monday, February 06, 2006

I don't care if Monday's blue...

...but Tuesday and Wednesday better not be grey too. Not a very good start to the day: first, I overslept and ended up rushing like mad. Didn't help that eyes hurt like crazy. Had a quick breakfast, then went out to the car, where I realised that I'd scratched the front right bumper of the car last night by taking a turn too fast and almost mounting the kerb. I'll be paying for the paint job, of course. My first real accident; on the other hand, if you count buanging with no damage done as an accident, it's my second accident in the span of one week. Hooray. To top it all off, I had another near miss on the journey to school, which really didn't help the mood. Then again, I won't let all this nonsense affect the rest of the day. Because I've got miles to go before I sleep.


In other news, played mahjong at Rui's place on Saturday night. Mag's right - Rui has a great place! So much space, and it has a friggin cool Japanese-influenced attic. Tatamis, rockery, a matching katana and wakizashi set - Rui's dad has exquisite taste. We played majong until the wee hours of the night, then went up to the attic to talk rubbish until we dozed off. Went to Mac's for a late breakfast, toyed with the idea of heading down to New Creation with Mag and Tris, eventually realised that the timing was difficult and didn't manage to make it to church this week. Ah well, not good at all.

Drove down to Aloha Loyang in the evening for Mr. Teo's baby's first birthday celebrations. The baby is very very cute and active. Seriously. Cheerful, energetic, and good with strangers - Mr. Teo and his wife have been truly blessed with such an adorable baby!

Cheryl, Miah, Zhengkang, Vic, MR. Teo, Mich, Liz, Me.

Anyways, it was a pretty good gathering - good food, great weather, and we got to catch up with each others' lives. Hard to believe that Cheryl and Jiayin are graduating already this year - talk about time catching up on us. We're getting old...


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