Saturday, January 07, 2006

What's been going on?

Mm, nothing much really. Been hanging out a lot with various groups of people; got assigned an exchange buddy who I'll be bringing around; working on and off on a little thing called Law Camp; took in some Shakespeare tonight; will meet even more people over the weekend.

Then, school starts.

That's not really the worst bit though. The worst bit is that there're readings to prepare for Monday. My resolve to start working harder this term is already being tested...



1. To progress in my Christian walk.
2. To start studying harder. Okay, given the miniscule amount of work I put in last term, this is very vague...but that suits me.
3. To work out more. Really. Skinny =! fit.
4. To read more, and to listen to more good music. There's a resolution I doubt I'll have problems sticking to!

If I'm still blogging a year from now, we'll check back on this list then.


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