The past few days have been perfect. Just perfect.
Contract was over in a flash; while it could have been better, it definitely could have been much, much worse. Had a good sharing and prayer session after the paper, then went down to Suntec with the TG8 gang for flaming good Carl's Jr. burgers =) Good food, and very good fun, with the usual noisy bunch just blattering on and on and drawing curious stares from passerbys and other patrons. Still, did we look like we cared? Nooooooooo! Then it was time to head home for a little, to change and stuff before we headed to MOS!
So, the plan was for some certain individuals to cab down to my place, where we'd get high before cabbing down to MOS. So far, so good. But a certain individual decided to take things too far, and somehow managed to stumble around in a giggly fit before spewing on my front yard! And in the taxi. It's a good thing that another certain individual had the presence of mind to bring a plastic bag and tissues into the taxi. Well, a good thing for the cabbie at least. Still, we finally got to MOS, and handed said drunk individual over to a a very capable pair of hands. Interesting, to say the least.
So, MOS. It was...ok. Smoove was very crowded. Still, it was pretty good. My jaw did drop, however, when some latecomers came down from Attica, and who should turn up but Lord Seow! Like, WOAH, rare sighting! And he didn't just turn up. When he started getting high, amazing things like "Unjust law is not law!" started sprouting from his mouth. It was rather... amusing, to say the least.
And I have proof of his presence:
Amazing, eh?
Anyways, we eventually proceeded to the main arena, which was playing flaming good music. For a while, at least. Then the music got crappy, and we decided to leave the area. The idea was to have supper, but we never got around to ordering food, and then the eating places started to close one by one, so we just headed back. Ah well. A somewhat anti-climatic end to a fun evening.
More photos from that night:

Met the same people for lunch on Thursday, after which me, Pet, Tris and Huiying went to bowl and shoot pool. We actually bowled decently! Huiying, our first-timer, managed to do very well, beating experienced people like Trissypoo and less experienced people like me. Hrmp. Pool was alright, althought I realised that I'm so rusty that it's not even funny. Ah wells, something to practice over the holidays. Still, all in all, a very nice, relaxed way to pass the afternoon.
Following that, we cabbed down to my place to pick up the car. Adrienne joined us, and then we headed to the WP rally at Ang Mo Kio. We realised half-way through that driving there was a ba-ad idea; the jam was horrendous. Still, we had enormous fun driving down, just talking and laughing at the sights and sounds. Almost like a road trip. Finally made it to the carpark, miraculously found a parking lot after parking illegally for a while and listening to Gomez from the carpark rooftop, then headed down to brave the crowd.
The mood was amazing. There was just so much rallying and support for the speakers. There were people everywhere: jam-packed on the open field, standing along the roadsides, looking down from the HDB flats. Everyone was just so enthusiastic and excited. And the mood was infectious! It was impossible to remain aloof; everyone just naturally got into the spirit of things, cheering and clapping whenever something good was said. Amazing. Just amazing. The traffic was really insane, though: after the rally ended, it took us about an hour to get out of the carpark, let alone the area. Still, we eventually made it out, and went for supper, before I dropped the hostelites back at their rooms.
Friday, I headed down to the VCF chalet in the early afternoon. The group went to Ubin; the plan was to go cycling, but we only realised when we got there that one of us couldn't cycle. Oh wells. We walked around the island instead. Went to Chek Jawa, but it was closed for renovation! A pity. Still, it was a very good time of sharing; I got to talk to some seniors who I'd never seriously talked to before, and it was a very good time of sharing and getting to know each other better.
In the evening, we had a very good time of sharing and discussion, with regards to the future of Law VCF and the shift to the BTC. I also got to meet a grand-senior; we had a good discussion about the history and future of our CG and the challenges that we're facing. There's much to be done in the upcoming year, but by God's grace, we'll face the challenges head-on and overcome them together.
Got a lift from Jasmine back to hall at 3am, where I stayed over in Lester's room for the night. Headed home the next morning, and I finally got a haircut. Which I'm still not used to, but that cannot really be helped. I guess it's just been a while since I've seriously waxed my hair; time to relearn the technique!
Had a very good time with my extended family in the evening. We went to Chinese Gardens for a picnic; the weather was excellent, and everyone was abuzz about the elections, which made for very interesting conversation. Also, I'm thankful that I got to talk to my cousin-in-law about my faith and beliefs; he's at the point where he's trying to decide if it's time to take that leap of faith and commit himself to the belief in Jesus Christ. Which is funny, because originally I wasn't sure if I wanted to join my family gathering. And then I came anyway, and it seems as though God showed me a compelling reason why I should never pass up a chance to spend time with my extended family. I'm thankful.
Something happened on Sunday morning, 07/05/06, at 9.30am, but I shall not talk about it =)
Sunday was church, where I met Josh, and then I got the van and drove down to school to help people move stuff out from their hall rooms. Pet had one box. Tris had...many, many, many bags. Let's just say that it was a tiring but fulfilling afternoon, as we shifted stuff in and out of the van and drove up and down ferrying stuff. Checked out Pet's (very nice) house, and got to meet Tris' (very nice) parents. Had dinner with those two at J8, before heading back.
Yesterday was Monday. Was supposed to head down to school for the VCF Games Day, but I overslept. Uhm. Ended up heading to town to meet Pet, Tris, and Mag for a movie. The Wild was entertaining, but not much more. Just a fluffy, feel-good, kid-orientated movie. Still, it's always the company that matters more. Had dinner with them, before I headed back to NUS for the VCF AGM. Which was...interesting, involving MSN conversations broadcast to the entire group, miscommunications relating to nominations, and quibbles over constitutional issues. Suffice to say, it was interesting enough to wake me up half-way through the AGM, and sustain my interest until the very end.
And that's how the past few days have been spent. Why 100? Because this happens to be the 100th post. Stay tuned: the next entry will consist of opinions, and not just simple narrative.
Contract was over in a flash; while it could have been better, it definitely could have been much, much worse. Had a good sharing and prayer session after the paper, then went down to Suntec with the TG8 gang for flaming good Carl's Jr. burgers =) Good food, and very good fun, with the usual noisy bunch just blattering on and on and drawing curious stares from passerbys and other patrons. Still, did we look like we cared? Nooooooooo! Then it was time to head home for a little, to change and stuff before we headed to MOS!
So, the plan was for some certain individuals to cab down to my place, where we'd get high before cabbing down to MOS. So far, so good. But a certain individual decided to take things too far, and somehow managed to stumble around in a giggly fit before spewing on my front yard! And in the taxi. It's a good thing that another certain individual had the presence of mind to bring a plastic bag and tissues into the taxi. Well, a good thing for the cabbie at least. Still, we finally got to MOS, and handed said drunk individual over to a a very capable pair of hands. Interesting, to say the least.
So, MOS. It was...ok. Smoove was very crowded. Still, it was pretty good. My jaw did drop, however, when some latecomers came down from Attica, and who should turn up but Lord Seow! Like, WOAH, rare sighting! And he didn't just turn up. When he started getting high, amazing things like "Unjust law is not law!" started sprouting from his mouth. It was rather... amusing, to say the least.
And I have proof of his presence:

Anyways, we eventually proceeded to the main arena, which was playing flaming good music. For a while, at least. Then the music got crappy, and we decided to leave the area. The idea was to have supper, but we never got around to ordering food, and then the eating places started to close one by one, so we just headed back. Ah well. A somewhat anti-climatic end to a fun evening.
More photos from that night:

Met the same people for lunch on Thursday, after which me, Pet, Tris and Huiying went to bowl and shoot pool. We actually bowled decently! Huiying, our first-timer, managed to do very well, beating experienced people like Trissypoo and less experienced people like me. Hrmp. Pool was alright, althought I realised that I'm so rusty that it's not even funny. Ah wells, something to practice over the holidays. Still, all in all, a very nice, relaxed way to pass the afternoon.
Following that, we cabbed down to my place to pick up the car. Adrienne joined us, and then we headed to the WP rally at Ang Mo Kio. We realised half-way through that driving there was a ba-ad idea; the jam was horrendous. Still, we had enormous fun driving down, just talking and laughing at the sights and sounds. Almost like a road trip. Finally made it to the carpark, miraculously found a parking lot after parking illegally for a while and listening to Gomez from the carpark rooftop, then headed down to brave the crowd.
The mood was amazing. There was just so much rallying and support for the speakers. There were people everywhere: jam-packed on the open field, standing along the roadsides, looking down from the HDB flats. Everyone was just so enthusiastic and excited. And the mood was infectious! It was impossible to remain aloof; everyone just naturally got into the spirit of things, cheering and clapping whenever something good was said. Amazing. Just amazing. The traffic was really insane, though: after the rally ended, it took us about an hour to get out of the carpark, let alone the area. Still, we eventually made it out, and went for supper, before I dropped the hostelites back at their rooms.
Friday, I headed down to the VCF chalet in the early afternoon. The group went to Ubin; the plan was to go cycling, but we only realised when we got there that one of us couldn't cycle. Oh wells. We walked around the island instead. Went to Chek Jawa, but it was closed for renovation! A pity. Still, it was a very good time of sharing; I got to talk to some seniors who I'd never seriously talked to before, and it was a very good time of sharing and getting to know each other better.
In the evening, we had a very good time of sharing and discussion, with regards to the future of Law VCF and the shift to the BTC. I also got to meet a grand-senior; we had a good discussion about the history and future of our CG and the challenges that we're facing. There's much to be done in the upcoming year, but by God's grace, we'll face the challenges head-on and overcome them together.
Got a lift from Jasmine back to hall at 3am, where I stayed over in Lester's room for the night. Headed home the next morning, and I finally got a haircut. Which I'm still not used to, but that cannot really be helped. I guess it's just been a while since I've seriously waxed my hair; time to relearn the technique!
Had a very good time with my extended family in the evening. We went to Chinese Gardens for a picnic; the weather was excellent, and everyone was abuzz about the elections, which made for very interesting conversation. Also, I'm thankful that I got to talk to my cousin-in-law about my faith and beliefs; he's at the point where he's trying to decide if it's time to take that leap of faith and commit himself to the belief in Jesus Christ. Which is funny, because originally I wasn't sure if I wanted to join my family gathering. And then I came anyway, and it seems as though God showed me a compelling reason why I should never pass up a chance to spend time with my extended family. I'm thankful.
Something happened on Sunday morning, 07/05/06, at 9.30am, but I shall not talk about it =)
Sunday was church, where I met Josh, and then I got the van and drove down to school to help people move stuff out from their hall rooms. Pet had one box. Tris had...many, many, many bags. Let's just say that it was a tiring but fulfilling afternoon, as we shifted stuff in and out of the van and drove up and down ferrying stuff. Checked out Pet's (very nice) house, and got to meet Tris' (very nice) parents. Had dinner with those two at J8, before heading back.
Yesterday was Monday. Was supposed to head down to school for the VCF Games Day, but I overslept. Uhm. Ended up heading to town to meet Pet, Tris, and Mag for a movie. The Wild was entertaining, but not much more. Just a fluffy, feel-good, kid-orientated movie. Still, it's always the company that matters more. Had dinner with them, before I headed back to NUS for the VCF AGM. Which was...interesting, involving MSN conversations broadcast to the entire group, miscommunications relating to nominations, and quibbles over constitutional issues. Suffice to say, it was interesting enough to wake me up half-way through the AGM, and sustain my interest until the very end.
And that's how the past few days have been spent. Why 100? Because this happens to be the 100th post. Stay tuned: the next entry will consist of opinions, and not just simple narrative.
freaking hell
so much fun
here i am
cold and lonely in the office
in a friggin corner
and there u allllllllll are, PLAYING PLAYING PLAYING AND PLAYING.
dont want to say also must say
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